

Voice of Delhi RWAs

Our Web Portal as well as our Blog has become the Voice of Delhi RWAs now. We are always in the process of updating the Directory of RWAs of Delhi on our Web Portal. Therefore, please feel free to mail us your fresh details at the earliest possible. You can Email us at 

You can also Subscribe our RWABhagidari Free Newsletter. It's absolutely Free. Just subscribe to it and you will start getting it regularly with all the updates. The process to subscribe our Free Newsletter is as below:

2. On the TOP LEFT, there is a button, "Subscribe: Free News Letter ". 
3. Enter your mail ID & click SUBSCRIBE. 
4. Next window shows you a code. Fill that code & click enter. After that,
5. Please check your mailbox. You will get a confirmation mail to check that it's you who have subscribed to the blog. Open that mail & click the acceptance link. 

You can also mail us updates of your RWAs, activities, functions, health camps, awareness drives etc., along with pics, vids etc., for selective uploading on our RWABhagidari Blog. The Blog & the web portal now have a very wide reach and you too can take the benefit of this reach, by FREE subscribing, as well contributing to the blog. Our Email id:

Thanks for your Support & good wishes.

B S Vohra