

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

सफाई अभियान की शुरुआत !

२ अक्टोबर से भारत में एक सफाई अभियान की शुरुआत हो रही है. मुझे लगता है की यह एक अच्छा कदम है और हर एक भारत वासी को इसमे जुड़ना चाहिए. आज के हालात इतने खराब हैं की आप किसी भी सरकारी दफ़्तर में जाएँ, किसी सरकारी अस्पताल में जाएँ, या किसी भी पब्लिक प्लेस में जाएँ, चारों तरफ गंदगी के ढेर मिलेंगे. और तो और, पान क़ी पीक की पिचकारी तो ऐसी चित्रकारी करती है की दीवारों की हालत देख कर रोना आ जाए. सड़को के किनारों को बेशर्मी से पब्लिक यरिनल बना देना तो एक आम बात है. 

सबसे ज़्यादा सफाई की ज़रूरत है रेलवे लाइन्स की. रोज सुबह जब स्टेशन से ट्रेन निकलती है तो बड़ों बड़ों को भी बाहर देखने में शर्म आ जाती है क्योंकि इतना बड़ा ओपन, खुला टाय्लेट शायद दुनिया में कहीं भी नही होगा. 

इसके साथ साथ, यमुना के किनारों पर जहाँ गुजरात की तरह लोगों को घूमने का आनंद मिलना चाहिए, वहाँ पर झुग्गी झोंपड़ी वाले इतना गंद फैलाते हैं की घूमना तो बड़ी दूर की बात है, वहाँ से निकलना भी हो तो नाक पे रुमाल रखना पड़ता है. इन सब के साथ साथ, यमुना में किसी भी तरह का कूड़ा, गंद, पर्दूषण के केमिकल्स के फेंकने पर रोक लग जानी चाहिए.

गली मुहल्लों के खततों की सफाई की नितांत आवशयकता है क्योंकि सफाई करमचारी तो सुबह अपना काम कर के चले जाते हैं और बचा हुआ कूड़ा सारा दिन उधर रहने वालों के लिए और उधर से गुजरने वालों के लिए मुसीबत बन जाता है.

इस सब के साथ साथ, लोगो की मेनटॅलिटी भी बदलने की ज़रूरत है क्योंकि विदेश जाने पर हम बड़े सॉफ सुथरे होने का ढोंग करते हैं और अपनी ज़मीन पे पहुँचते ही अपनी औकात पे आ जाते हैं. मुझे लगता है की विदेशो की तर्ज़ पे, भारत में भी कूड़ा डालने वालों के खिलाफ सखत क़ानून होने चाहिए.

इस मुहिम में सफलता सिर्फ़ तब मिल सकती है जब हम सब लोग इस मुहिम में जुड़ें क्योंकि ऐसा करने से हम किसी और का नही, बल्कि सिर्फ़ अपना भला करेंगे. 

दिल्ली की सभी रेसिडेंट वेलफेर असोसियेशन्स को भी खुल कर सामने आना चाहिए.


बी एस वोहरा

Voice of Delhi RWAs
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Monday, September 29, 2014

Delhiites : Join us on RWABhagidari Social Network !

RWABhagidari is a common platform for the RWAs of Delhi & NCR to interact amongst themselves as well to raise various Social & Civic issues related to General public. It's a Blog, A web portal, A Youtube Channel with visibility on Twitter, Flickr, Google +, Facebook & a lot more. Please feel free to connect with us, any time any where, through our widest Social Network as below :

RWABhagidari Blog :

RWABhagidari Web Portal :

With best regards,

B S Vohra

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

An important message !

Please complete all bank transactions by 29th September......
As 30th & 1st will be half year closing.... banks are working but may not be able to do all transactions.
2nd is Gandhi Jayanti Holiday
3rd is Dassera Holiday
4th is Saturday half day and backlog of last two days.
5th is Sunday
6th is Bakari Idd holiday... actually it's on 5th but Banks have declared on 6th & may not change.
After that it will take a couple of days to settle the pending work..... 
So complete your Bank work by 29th or wait till 7-8 October.

with thanks : watwani ji

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Contaminated water for the last over 3 weeks ?

Dear Vohra ji,

Our colony has been getting contaminated water for the last over 3 weeks.  It is reported that main sewerage system near Madhuban Chowk on Vikas Marg gave way resulting blockage of entire sewerage system towards Laxmi Nagar side.  Due to leakages in sewer line as well as water lines caused the entire problem.  With repeated vigorous follow up by us and other neighbouring colonies, DJB put some pumps to drain out the sewerage system, but even after three weeks, they have not been able to identify the leakages.  Many residents fell sick due to contaminated water.  They are using bottled water, but how long is a big question.

DJB has failed to give proper satisfactory reply.  This is the state of affairs after paying 60% of the bill amount for "sewer maintenance' plus service charge and other taxes.  We request the CEO, DJB and the LG to take immediate strict action against those who are playing with the health of the public.  We even approached the Union Health Minister, Dr Harsh Vardan, but no action seems to have been taken from his end as well.

R. N. Gupta
General Secretary
Priyadarshini Vihar RWA

Monday, September 22, 2014

Circle rate of Property has been hiked by 20% in Delhi

Circle rate of Property has been hiked by 20% by Delhi Govt. It will be applicable from tomorrow. More details awaited.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Lungs Check Up Camp

Lungs check up camp was briefly covered by HT Live East Delhi as well Dainik Jagran - City Plus. Please click the City Plus - Jagran link as below :

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

SFS Dda Flats Sheikh Sarai,Phase I,N.Delhi-110017

We have one big Public park maintained by MCD in vicinity,named “neighbourhood park ,which is priviously Developed by DDA,now taken over by MCD for maintance .It is maintained beautifully and lot of grEenery and new benches were added recenty.But it has no supply of electricity in the evenings at is mostly picthc dark in the evenings and night.

We need the continuous supply of electricity for the tall lights and the lights on inner periphey for people who utilise this park for evening health walks/sitting peacefully in the evening.Bothe the tall lights are not working for last many months or may be 2 years now and periphery lights are interitantly or seldom switched on .

There is a weekly Tezbazari bazar on Thursday on its outer periphery towards Swami on Thursday , Garden becmes a thoroughfare for all the 5-6 surrounding localities (sheikh sarai-I,II,chirag Delhi,Swami nagar and savitri nagar (all surrounding colonies ) and it is very degerous for women and children and even elders to go through this park in Pitch dark to purchase vegetabes etc.otherwise also crime rate is high in SHEIKH SARAI AREA,SO MORE LIGHT IS A NECESSISITY.

I request MCD to look into this matter urgently.

Thanks & regards,


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pollutants pose health risk at Anand Vihar : Hindustan Times : B S Vohra

After the publication of our RTI in Hindustan Times, we arranged a Lungs check up camp with CIPLA, at Anand Vihar, i.e. the area, which was stated to be the most polluted in Delhi. CIPLA gave us a true & shocking report of the Lung problems of various persons checked by our team, at various stages. The news was covered by Hindustan Times, as below. Thanks. B S Vohra

Finnish expert links cell phones to cancer

NEW DELHI: Finnish scientist Dr Dariusz Leszczynski has criticised India-born oncologist Dr Siddhartha Mukherjee’s claim that there was no link between cell phone radiation and cancer.
Dr Leszczynski was part of a global team that labelled cell phone radiation as carcinogenic in 2011.
“I don’t know how he said this. I don’t know how well he is read and how much of expertise he has in cell phone radiations. I don’t think he read the hundreds of studies on cell phone radiations. He is an oncologist and I don’t know how much of research he has done on cell phone radiation,” said Dr Dariusz Leszczynski, who is also chief editor of ‘Frontiers in Radiation and Health’ and an adjunct professor, department of biochemistry and biotechnology, Helsinki University, Finland.
“Extensive use of cell phone for more than 30 minutes a day for 10 years could increase the risk of brain cancer. There is enough evidence from studies to substantiate it,” he said.

with thanks : HINDUSTAN TIMES : LINK : 16th September, 2014 Page 7, News paper for detailed story. MUST READ.

Lungs check up camp in East Delhi !

Today, we had Lungs check up camp by CIPLA at two places i.e. Anand Vihar & the Vishwakarma nagar – Jhilmil. Two tests that were done today included the Peak Flow Meter Test & the Spirometry Test as below : 

Peak Flow

1. Peak Flow Meter Test :

A Peak Flow Meter (Breathe-o meter) is a simple, affordable, hand held device which helps diagnose breathing problems and asthma in children and adults. It is also used as an instrument to monitor your progress when you are under treatment for asthma.

Just as you have a BP instrument to check blood pressure and the Glucometer for diabetics, the Peak Flow Meter (Breathe-o meter) is like a thermometer for asthma. As a patient, you will have to blow into the mouthpiece of the device, and the reading will be taken to check your lung power. Most doctors have the device in their clinic but it is also available at most leading chemists if you want to keep your asthma in check.


2. Spirometry Test

A Spirometry Test is a more sensitive and sophisticated test which detects the signs of asthma early. The Spirometer is used to measure how much air your lungs can hold and how efficiently the air moves into and out of your lungs. In other words, it gives a good indication of your lung power and gives you accurate details about your breathing capacity. The lab or the doctor conducting the test will give you a printed graph of your reading, just as you get a graph when you do your ECG test.

Both the Peak Flow Meter (Breathe-o meter) and Spirometry tests are used to diagnose asthma and also help you measure your progress when your asthma is under control.

However, since these tests are not recommended for children below six years of age, you as a parent have to work together with your pediatrician, to make sure that your child’s asthma is diagnosed early and correctly, by paying close attention to your family history and triggers. You will also be required to visit your doctor regularly so that together you can monitor your child’s progress.

The detailed report is being expected in a day.


B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lungs Check Up camps in East Delhi !

East Delhi RWAs Joint Front will organise a Lungs check up camp at Anand Vihar & Jhilmil on 14th September to view the actual impact of Pollution on the residents of the area, as published in our News story in Hindustan Times, few days ago. 

Plz join us at the BREATHE FREE CAMPs being organised alongwith CIPLA LTD., at various locations of Delhi to check the pollution impact :

CAMP 1 : 
Kosmos Super Speciality Hospital, Anand Vihar, 14th Sept, Tomorrow, 10 am to 2 pm.

CAMP 2 : 
Kali Mata Mandir, Vishwakarma nagar, Jhilmil, , 14th Sept, Tomorrow, 10 am to 2 pm.

Next series of Camps will be announced soon.


B S Vohra
Voice of Delhi RWAs
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Friday, September 12, 2014

RWAs : attend the SFAC conference on Kissan mandi direct sales to RWAs !

SFAC is an agency of Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. They work with farmers to mobilize them into produce organizations and link them directly to markets.

SFAC is shortly launching a “Kisan Mandi” at Alipur in north Delhi, where produce from farmers will be sold directly to wholesalers, retailers, RWAs, and general public in Delhi/NCR. 

In this context SFAC is organizing a conference to explain the concept of Kisan Mandi and also identify retail sale points at various RWAs in Delhi/NCR. 

Representatives of RWAs who are interested in attending the conference should send the following information immediately, by E mail to : :  


1.     Name of RWA

2.     Locality (Ward No. & Pin code)

3.     Regn. No.

4.     No. of households in RWA:

5.     Approximate total population:

6.     Name of representative (maximum 2) who will attend conference:



        Name                          Contact No/Email Id:






The date venue & time of the conference will be communicated to the RWA representatives. Last date for registration is 19th September, 2014. 

Contact details of SFAC are as below :

Sunny Kumar
Small Farmers Agri. Business Consortium (SFAC)
Deptt. of Agriculture and Cooperation
Government of India
NCUI Auditorium, 5th Floor
3, Siri Institutional Area,
August Kranti Marg, Hauz Khas
New Delhi 110 016

All the communications received from RWAs will be forwarded to SFAC immediately. Our E Mail ID is :

Thanks & Regards,

B S Vohra


What can pollution do?

Different kinds of pollutants can hurt our bodies in different ways. However, some dangerous health effects come from the most common air pollutants. Here are a few:
  • Premature death,
  • Shortness of breath and chest pain,
  • Wheezing and coughing,
  • Increased risk of asthma attacks, and
  • Increased treatment or hospitalization of people with lung diseases, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Who is at risk?

Someone in every family is likely to be at risk from air pollution. Does someone you love belong to one of these vulnerable groups?
  • People with lung diseases, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema;
  • Children and teenagers;
  • People who work or exercise outdoors ;
  • Adults 65 years old and older;
  • People with a cardiovascular disease;
  • People with diabetes;
  • People with low incomes; and
  • "Responders" – otherwise healthy individuals who feel the impact of air pollution at lower levels of exposure than the average person.
Please join us at the Lungs check up camp on 14th Sept. at Anand Vihar & Jhilmil. Details already posted on the blog. Next schedule of other areas to be announced soon.


B S Vohra

Most Polluted ?

Hindustan Times, Page 1, 2nd September, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Lungs check up camp at Anand Vihar / Jhilmil - RTI says MOST POLLUTED !

'East Delhi RWAs Joint Front',  will organise a Lungs Check up Camp at Anand Vihar as well Jhilmil ( Partap Khand ) on 14th September 2014. The camp is being held to check the actual status of Pollution in these areas after the RTI by the Joint Front, revealed the areas as most polluted. 

What can pollution do?

Different kinds of pollutants can hurt our bodies in different ways. However, some dangerous health effects come from the most common air pollutants. Here are a few:
  • Premature death,
  • Shortness of breath and chest pain,
  • Wheezing and coughing,
  • Increased risk of asthma attacks, and
  • Increased treatment or hospitalization of people with lung diseases, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Who is at risk?

Someone in every family is likely to be at risk from air pollution. Does someone you love belong to one of these vulnerable groups?
  • People with lung diseases, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema;
  • Children and teenagers;
  • People who work or exercise outdoors ;
  • Adults 65 years old and older;
  • People with a cardiovascular disease;
  • People with diabetes;
  • People with low incomes; and
  • "Responders" – otherwise healthy individuals who feel the impact of air pollution at lower levels of exposure than the average person.

Details of the Camp vide a pamphlet will be uploaded soon on the Blog. Those willing to get the lungs checked may feel free to mail us at the earliest. They may also contact Sh Balu ji, Sh Vinod ji, Sh Vinod kumar ji in the respective areas.

Plz log on to :


East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Cause of air pollution !

Out of order DTC buses on FLYOVERS  lying for several minnutes are the main cause of increase in pollution level.The buses are not removed from the flyovers leading to long jams & increased production of toxic airpollutants.Buses are repaired on site by mechanic who have to come from the specific depot to which the bus belongs.It takes along time.This process must be improved.

Other cause is mismanagement of traffic signals by inadequately trained personnels.The signal is turned red when many vehicles are still to cross without any logical reason.Once the vehicles have started & are in motion ,it will take only few more seconds for many of them to cross.Maximum numbers should be allowed to cross when it is green.The signal lighting system should be managed in a way which gives maximum benefit to the people & causes least air pollution.

Pot holes just ahead of crossing & on the crossing slows the speed of clearence of vehicle & should be immediately repaired.Nearby RWA members should take up this responsibility.Bhagidari can publish the name of rwa supervising a purticular crossing.If each crossing is supervised by members of one rwa ,the traffic problem & the resulting loss of man hours ,increased air polution can decrease


Polluting & Unparked Delhi !

There is no doubt that both these issues are making DELHI as non living city. However if we analyze these problems to find out how is responsible then I find that the residents are most responsible. 

1, Who built buildings without the provision of proper parking eg SANT NAGAR SOUTH DELHI
2. WHO misuse parking spaces for living (car garrage in residential units for living) basements for storage/ shopping / offices etc- violating rules.
3. not testing vehicles for pollution, using mixed fuel, parking without caring for planned parking lots close to own shops/ residences
4. NOt providing sufficient no of parking spaces as each space costs more then car cost
5. permitting mixed land use with following all norms and use streets for parking.

prakash narayan
mount kailash