

Why looting the country in the name of seva or service to the people ?

It is a pity and deeply regretful that our 'politicians' / netas and their chamchas have ruined the country by their policies and now we could only look forward to the Supreme Court to rescue us from the 'clutches' of our so called representatives of the people, who only look after themselves, in the name of 'aam aadmi', exploiting, in the process to the fullest extent. All politicians, irrespective of parties, are alike and looting the country in the name seva or service to people! "China has rightly said: "Democracy in India is shallow and has failed to provide stability and overall growth for its citizens. Democratic institutions have failed to provide 'equality' to its citizens"! It is shocking and time has come to show our worth to the politicians, armed with the Supreme Court order giving voters the Right to Reject!! 

It is shocking that an upcoming and upgraded politician ridiculed the Govt.'s action on the issue of an ordinance with words which cannot be chewed or digested by any hon'ble citizen of this country. It is a wake-up call for all politicians that they could no longer take their voters for a 'free ride' and get votes from them by showing 'lollipop'! Can we now at least change now?

It is still yet an another ridiculous statement made by our hon'ble Minister for Petroleum saying: "I want everyone from the highest ranking officers to the lowest to take 'public transport' every wednesday (only)' and go by cars provided to all officers upto the rank of Directors by the Govt on all other days including week-ends in the garb of coming to office ! With the introduction of Metro, its feeder buses and local DTC transport, what is the difficulty in availing of them daily and save precious 'petrol/diesel' for the entire country saving precious foreign exchange and thereby helping the 'economy' to come up!! They could also 'pool their vehicles' to go to office, instead of having 'independent cars' at the cost of Govt. We can effect economy in Govt.'s expenditure on various fronts including that of our hon'ble Ministers who must set an example to others! 

Enough is enough. People are now awakened and more knowledgable, thanks to the media, than ever! Don't fool them anymore and be frank and forthright to earn their loyalty,their good wishes and blessings!

With regards,

TK Balu/Anand Vihar

Friday, September 27, 2013

CONGRATULATIONS : Supreme Court gives Voters the Right to Reject !

Supreme Court has given the Voters the Right to Reject or the Right to Negative Voting. Thanks to the Supreme Court. What we expected from our leaders is being given by the Judiciary. Hope there is no ordinance to crush this order.

Where is our Toll Tax money going : Rajiv Kakria


Hey guys.. this happened to me third time... n every time this happens i ask for my money back.

This is not the RECEIPT for crossing the toll when u pay Rs.21/- as your TOLL TAX. This is just a Vehicle Code. The money we r paying is actually going in the Tax Collectors pocket, not the toll authorities. It's mention at the collector's boxes: "IF YOU DO NOT GET A TOLL RECEIPT, CONSIDER IT AS FREE"... So ask for your copy of receipt!

Lets all stop this "fooling the public" racket and share this with all the commuters who traveling and using this DG expressway. THANX!


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

knowledge about dengue mosquitoes !

Every one knows that dengue mosquitoes bite in the morning; that it does not fly more then 200 meters; that it has white lines on its legs; that like all other mosquitoes it also breeds in stagnant but clear water. 

Morning means only lighted areas, the dark corner of house like in verandah, lighted office or house room, under a tree, in parks under trees, in markets, bus stops, in cars, in buses etc. 

Dengue mosquito is very clever, very quick in its action, fairly small. As soon as a person comes in its place, within seconds it attacks him very cleverly either in legs or from top on cheeks or from sides on arms. One has to be cautious to detect its presence. It is easier to detect it on the other person, make him cautious of its presence. 

People are unaware of bite of dengue mosquitoes. We have to learn to detect it,make a habbit of looking for it where ever we go, teach others about it.This can reduce the number of dengue cases. Any small mosquito biting a person in the lighted areas is a dengue mosquito. To confirm it one has to kill a mosquito in day time with a cloth / with a racket / with black hit and examine for white spots on its legs by examining it on a black surface with a magnifying glass.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Delhi Jal Board admits error, gives 30% rebate on bills

NEW DELHI: Accepting that the meter readings collected by them were different from the actual readings in many cases, Delhi Jal Board is giving arebate of 30% on bills dated till March 31, 2013, and paid by January 1, 2014. This, however, does not cover many bills issued in June and July which in some cases are running into lakhs.

Officials said the billing had stabilized after they switched to a new billing system, but it is only after the third billing cycle that the difference will be evident. "We have been getting complaints of high bills.

In areas where private companies have taken over billing, a difference can be seen in the readings. They are recording the actual reading whereas the DJB database shows incorrect readings. It was our fault that the data wasn't recorded correctly so we have decided to give them a rebate and extended the period for payment," said a senior official.

The private companies have also been asked to reasses the bills and charge consumers on the basis on their actual consumption during the period. "If this does not work, they will work out an average consumption and charge accordingly. The new billing system has worked in many areas and consumers have started getting regular and correct bills. We were averaging a four-month billing period earlier, but this financial year, we have completed two billing cycles and are about to start the third," said an official.

with thanks : Times of India : LINK

Treatment of Dengu ( डेंगू का उपचार ) :

डेंगू का उपचार: आजकल डेंगू एक बड़ी समस्या के तौर पर उभरा है, पुरे भारत में ये बड़ी तेजी से बढ़ता ही जा रहा है जिससे कई लोगों की जान जा रही है l 

यह एक ऐसा वायरल रोग है जिसका माडर्न मेडिकल चिकित्सा पद्धति में कोई इलाज नहीं है परन्तु आयुर्वेद में इसका इलाज है और वो इतना सरल और सस्ता है कि उसे कोई भी कर सकता है l 

तीव्र ज्वर, सर में तेज़ दर्द, आँखों के पीछे दर्द होना, उल्टियाँ लगना, त्वचा का सुखना तथा खून के प्लेटलेट की मात्रा का तेज़ी से कम होना डेंगू के कुछ लक्षण हैं जिनका यदि समय रहते इलाज न किया जाए तो रोगी की मृत्यु भी सकती है l 

यदि आपके आस-पास किसी को यह रोग हुआ हो और खून में प्लेटलेट की संख्या कम होती जा रही हो तो चित्र में दिखाई गयी चार चीज़ें रोगी को दें : 
१) अनार जूस 
२) गेहूं घास रस 
३) पपीते के पत्तों का रस 
४) गिलोय/अमृता/अमरबेल सत्व 

अनार जूस तथा गेहूं घास रस नया खून बनाने तथा रोगी की रोग से लड़ने की शक्ति प्रदान करने के लिए है, अनार जूस आसानी से उपलब्ध है यदि गेहूं घास रस ना मिले तो रोगी को सेब का रस भी दिया जा सकता है l

- पपीते के पत्तों का रस सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है, पपीते का पेड़ आसानी से मिल जाता है उसकी ताज़ी पत्तियों का रस निकाल कर मरीज़ को दिन में २ से ३ बार दें , एक दिन की खुराक के बाद ही प्लेटलेट की संख्या बढ़ने लगेगी l 

- गिलोय की बेल का सत्व मरीज़ को दिन में २-३ बार दें, इससे खून में प्लेटलेट की संख्या बढती है, रोग से लड़ने की शक्ति बढती है तथा कई रोगों का नाश होता है l यदि गिलोय की बेल आपको ना मिले तो किसी भी नजदीकी पतंजली चिकित्सालय में जाकर "गिलोय घनवटी" ले आयें जिसकी एक एक गोली रोगी को दिन में 3 बार दें l 

यदि बुखार १ दिन से ज्यादा रहे तो खून की जांच अवश्य करवा लें l 

यदि रोगी बार बार उलटी करे तो सेब के रस में थोडा नीम्बू मिला कर रोगी को दें, उल्टियाँ बंद हो जाएंगी l 

ये रोगी को अंग्रेजी दवाइयां दी जा रही है तब भी यह चीज़ें रोगी को बिना किसी डर के दी जा सकती हैं l 

डेंगू जितना जल्दी पकड़ में आये उतना जल्दी उपचार आसान हो जाता है और रोग जल्दी ख़त्म होता है l


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Govt to act on discom dues after elections

NEW DELHI: The government plans to get strict with the Reliance discoms, BSES Rajdhani and BSES Yamuna, from December for their failure to pay the generation companies, IPGCL and PPCL, and also the transmission utility, Delhi Transco. Sources say unless the discoms clear their dues, the government will have to regulate supply to them.
Similar threats have been made in the past, but this time the government is waiting for the elections to get over as snapping power supply could lead to blackouts across the city. Power department officials say the companies owe approximately Rs 2,800 crore to the generating companies and another Rs 1,100 crore to Transco, and . Over the past few weeks, they have paid Rs 200 crore to the gencos. But, officers point out, the two firms have defaulted on payment since 2010-11 unlike the third discom, Tata Power Delhi.
"The discoms have a lot of regulatory assets piled up which have just been accumulating and this has to be addressed at the proper level," said power secretary R K Verma. "At the same time, they have been defaulting on current dues, and if they fail to pay immediate outstanding dues, we will be left with no choice but to take action."
Verma hinted that the action could be on the lines of Delhi Metro's takeover of the Airport Express Line after Reliance stopped operations. "We have sent a number of me-morandums to the discoms to discuss a payment schedule but they never have an answer. They only talk about their outstanding dues," said Verma, adding, "DERC has directed that the August-September dues have to be cleared but the discoms have not paid. If they are in such a precarious financial situation, why doesn't their promoter, Reliance Group, bail them out?''
with thanks : Times of India : LINK : for detailed news.

GK-II residents hit with hefty water bills

NEW DELHI: Shubhra Banerjee received a water bill of Rs 4.23 lakh for a period of two months this year. Banerjee lives with her mother in a flat in Greater Kailash-II. Averaging about 35 units a month, their consumption for the period between April and June is an astounding 8,740 units. Complaints to Delhi Jal Board (DJB) have yielded no results.
Darshan Lal Madan, a resident of GK-II's E-block, has to pay a bill of Rs 3 lakh for a period of three months while Ajay Gupta, another resident of E-block, has to pay a bill of Rs 1.27 lakh.
DJB claims that its billing system has improved substantially after it implemented a new system last year and the consumers can bid farewell to elevated bills by the end of this year. This, however, has not made any difference to several consumers who have been slapped with bills running into lakhs.
Banerjee says that she has been chasing DJB officials but the only response she has received is a DJB staffer asking for Rs 30,000 to "settle the matter". "I had been calling their office and all I was told is that they are looking into my case," she added.
Reflecting more poorly on DJB's consumer records, Banjeree's connection is in the name of one Jaswinder Singh. "We brought the property from him in 1976 and have been writing since then to the water utility to change the name in its records. Again, nothing has happened," she said.
Contrary to what some DJB officials said might be a result of meter change, residents who have complained of escalated bills say their meters have not been changed and this is a most likely a result of incorrect meter reading.

with thanks : Times of India : LINK : for detailed news.

After 5 years, power promises remain on paper

NEW DELHI: Power remains a vexed issue for both politicians and citizens ahead of the assembly polls. In the past five years, the government made several promises, including round-the-clock supply and enhanced internal electricity generation. TOI reviews how well it has kept them.

Generation deficit and gas shortage
In 2008, Delhi generated approximately 1,600MW from five power stations and sourced the rest of its requirement from central sector power stations. New plants—Pragati Power Phase II in Bamnauli and Pragati Power Phase III in Bawana—were due to come up ahead of the 2010 Commonwealth Games. Additionally, the Delhi government tied up with Aravali Super Thermal Power Station to get 750 MW.
But the 2010 Games came and went by, and the promised power plants could not start generation. Gas shortage crippled the new plants and, even today, Delhi gets barely 250MW from the 1,500MW power plant in Bawana. The Bamnauli project has been shelved indefinitely.
Discoms like Tata Power (formerly NDPL), meanwhile, tried to supplement generation by setting up their own plants but they were also hit by the gas crisis. The 108MW plant in Rithala was conceived to help the discom source peak power at the height of summer and winter. But ever since it became operational, it has barely produced 10-20% of its installed capacity.
Officials say keeping the plant running with less gas turned out to be costlier than expected. Discoms have also refused to buy power from the Aravali station claiming it is too expensive.
"In reality, generation has hardly improved since 2008. The Indraprastha power plant was shut down and new plants like Bawana can barely produce any power with the gas crisis. Delhi is still forced to procure most of its power from outside states," said an expert.
With thanks : Times of India : LINK : for detailed news.

Health Camp

A Health Camp has been organised by Mrs Meera Sabharwal at Geeta colony, today, timings 10 AM to 2 PM.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

School children's plying with own life ?

Today at 7.37 am near pusa road, I had seen some school children's were playing with his own life. They were hanging on the back side of the DTC Bus. Is there no check to stop them by traffic police ? Are we waiting for any mishap to happen ?

Ajay Gupta

Sunday, September 15, 2013

How to register RWA ?

If you want to get your RWA registered, you have to do as below :

Minimum of 7 persons can form the RWA. First decide a name & make the Mamorandum of association & Rules of regulations. These are to be submitted duly attested by a notary alongwith two affidavits to the Registrar of societies. Remember you have to attach a copy of voter ID / Pan card of all the desirous persons / office bearers list added as above.

Specimen of mamorandum of association, Rules & regulations, affidavits can be viewed at

Friday, September 13, 2013

Petrol prices UP again ?????

All the news papers were reporting that Price of Petrol is expected to go down by Rs 1.50 appx. But Govt has again hiked the price by Rs. 1.83. Why so when the value of Dollar is better than worse, while fear of Syria war seems postponed, while crude oil prices are down now.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Delhi discoms not paying bills, says Tehri Hydro Dev Corp

Tehri Hydro Development Corporation (THDC) India Ltd has registered complaints with the Union Power Ministry against two Delhi electricity distribution utilities (discoms) for not paying the generator for electricity supplied by it.
In the wake of this, the power producer has requested the Ministry to allow it to divert the electricity it currently supplies to Delhi to other Northern States. THDC is a joint venture between Centre and Uttar Pradesh and supplies electricity to nine Northern States from the 1,000 MW Tehri and 400 MW Koteshwar hydro projects.
The two discoms – BSES Yamuna Power Ltd (BYPL) and BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd (BRPL) – have total outstanding of Rs 183.23 crore with THDC. Of this, Rs 132.56 crore is outstanding for more than 60 days.
During the past two years, the two Delhi discoms had been continuously defaulting and not paying on time, the Government power company told the Ministry. BYPL released Rs 2 crore on July 27, after a gap of 11 months as a result of requests and meetings at the senior-most level.
Similarly, the other discom, BRPL, has been releasing monthly payment equivalent to only one month of billing amount, and the backlog is not been squared up, THDC told the Ministry.
When contacted, a BSES official said that the dues that BYPL and BRPL owe to the generating companies have built up on account of a non-cost reflective tariff and unrestrained build-up of regulatory assets by the electricity regulator.
“The discoms’ cost of buying power from gencos (generating companies) has increased by around 300 per cent, a cost on which discoms have no control. On the other side, the retail tariff in the corresponding period has risen by only around 70 per cent, which has resulted in accumulation of a large revenue gap. We are making payment to the power generators on a best effort basis and try to make the current payments,” the official explained.
According to industry watchers, this kind of issue is not new. This is because the power purchase cost, which is not a controllable parameter, and is allowed by the law to be offset through a surcharge. However, the surcharge formula adopted by the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) does not cover the entire cost.
According to DERC’s statutory advice issued to the Delhi Government in February 2013, Delhi discoms had regulatory assets of over Rs 19,500 crore. Of these, the regulatory assets of BSES discoms are worth Rs 15,000 crore.
“Due to the persistent revenue gap highlighted above, BSES discoms are severely constrained to meet their day-to-day working capital and are frequently resorting to repeated lending from financial institutions to fund its shortage of working capital as well as its capex requirements,” said an industry watcher.

with thanks : The Hindu : LINK

Friday, September 6, 2013

Court forced to do municipal works: HC

The Delhi High Court on Thursday came down heavily on civic agencies for not doing enough to stop water-logging during Monsoon. It said instead of judicial work, the court had been forced to deal with basic municipal issues.
"What has happened to the system? For last two-three days, I am mostly dealing with civic and municipal works. There is no judicial work," a bench headed by Justice NV Ramana, who took oath as chief justice on September 2, said.
The bench, also comprising Justice Pradeep Nandrajog, said the Delhi government and civil bodies - including the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and the Delhi Jal Board - had failed to come up with "short-term and the long-term" plans to tackle the problem of water-logging.
It reserved its order on a petition, saying: "At some point of time, the court's intervention has to come to an end. Such floating PILs take a lot of judicial time."
Earlier, a bench headed by acting Chief Justice B D Ahmed had asked the heads of all civic agencies and other public bodies to depute officials who would look after and be held accountable if water-logging on streets is reported from their areas during monsoon.
It had pulled up MCD officials for their failure to take measures to stop water-logging in some areas of the city despite its earlier directions and had said, "If you don't take your job seriously, the angry public would beat you up."
The bench had on August 22 asked the officials to carry out a drive for a week to be on the roads to monitor the situation during rains.
It had also asked each commissioner of the trifurcated MCD to make their deputy commissioners responsible to take steps to prevent water-logging in their respective zones.
The court said it would pass certain directions and asked the civic agencies to take action accordingly.

with thanks : Hindustan times : LINK

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

MUST READ : It's not just the fall of Indian Rupee, India slips to 60th rank on competitiveness

Releasing the annual Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF) today said :

Down one position, India now ranks 60th, continuing its downward trend that began in 2009. With a GCI score essentially unchanged since then, India has been overtaken by a number of countries. Once ahead of Brazil and South Africa, it now trails them by several places and is behind China by a margin of 31 positions, while Russia (64th) has almost closed the gap. 

India continues to be penalized for its very disappointing performance in the basic drivers underpinning competitiveness, the very ones that matter the most for India given its stage of development. The country’s supply of transport, ICTs, and energy infrastructure remains largely insufficient and ill-adapted to the needs of the economy (85th), despite the steady improvement that has been made since 2006. 

The Indian business community repeatedly cites infrastructure as the single biggest hindrance to doing business, ahead of corruption and cumbersome bureaucracy. Notwithstanding improvements across the board over the past few years, very poor public health and education levels (102nd) remain a prime cause of India’s low productivity. The quality of higher education is better, but enrollment rates at that level remain very low, even by developing- country standards. 

Turning to the country’s institutions (72nd, down two places), discontent within the business community remains high about the lack of reforms and the perceived inability of the government to push them through. Public trust in politicians has been eroding since 2009 and has now reached an all-time low at 115th, while bribery remains deeply rooted (110th)

Indeed, India has lost almost 30 ranks on this indicator since 2010. Meanwhile, the situation has deteriorated further on the macroeconomic front, with India now 110th in this pillar

The inflation rate and public deficit-to-GDP ratio were dangerously close to double digits in 2012, and the debtto-GDP ratio is the second highest among the BRICS. 

Indeed, a March 2013 survey of sovereign debt analysts reveals an increased risk of sovereign debt default over the previous year. 

Another major concern is the country’s low level of technological readiness (98th). Although businesses adopt new technologies relatively promptly (47th), penetration rates of fixed and mobile Internet and telephony among the population remain among the lowest in developing Asia. 

Furthermore, the situation has worsened in terms of labor market efficiency (99th), where the most salient problem remains the dismally low participation of women in the workforce. With a ratio women-to-men of 0.36 (137th), India has the lowest percentage of working women outside the Arab world.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

​Discoms sitting on dues: Firms

NEW DELHI: Delhi government-owned generation companies Pragati Power Corporation Ltd and Indraprastha Generation Company Ltd have raised an alarm over the continuous default in payments by BSES discoms Rajdhani and Yamuna that has made it difficult for them to make full payment to gas supplier GAIL, sources said.

Generation companies warned that if GAIL invokes clauses of the fuel supply agreement and snaps supply, generation in at least three power plants would stop.

According to sources, BSES discoms owe approximately Rs 2,800 crore to PPCL/IPGCL. A senior official from IPGCL and PPCL admitted a crisis. "We are facing some problems with the discoms... We have made payments to GAIL so as of now there is no threat of them snapping gas supply. But this is just a temporary relief," said a senior official.

"The discoms have been complaining about a financial crisis and regulatory assets for years now. This has to be addressed. Last week they made Rs 100 crore payment to the gencos. We are talking to DERC and discoms to look for a solution and have told discoms to come up with ways to generate revenue," power secretary R K Verma said.

with thanks : Times of India : LINK

Underpaid gencos to regulate power

Gencos have not been paid by BRPL and BYPL for power and the total outstanding amount has gone up to Rs. 2,839.33 crore

Unable to purchase gas for running their plants, power generation companies Indraprastha Power Generation Corporation Limited (IPGCL) and Pragati Power Corporation Limited (PPCL) have told the Delhi Government that they will have to regulate power supply to the city. The gencos have not been paid by the discoms BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL) and BSES Yamuna Power Limited (BYPL) for power and the total outstanding amount has gone up to Rs. 2,839.33 crore.
On Monday, the gencos reiterated their financial constraints and made it explicit that unless the money comes in the next few days, the companies will have no option but to suspend supply.
“The gencos have not been able to pay for the gas that they need to run the plants. The gas bills for the power generation between August 1 and 15 are overdue, we have made part payment to the Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), but there still are huge sums of money to be paid. Despite several reminders to the discoms, they have not paid the money that they owe us. We have no option but to seek regulation of supply,” said a senior official of a genco.
The gencos will send a representation to the Delhi Government in the next few days to issue a notice to the discoms to either pay up or face action. “On account of acute financial crisis, IPGCL and PPCL have not been able to make full payment of gas supplied by GAIL for the past fortnight.
GAIL has already been asked not to revoke the clauses of fuel supply agreement to stop gas supply. But if there is no payment from the discoms, then generation of power at Pragati Power I and III and Gas Turbine Station will have to be suspended,” the official said.
The five power generation companies BPTS, Raj Ghat, Bawana, Gas Turbine and Pragati Power that together contribute under 2,000 MW to the Delhi power pool have been pushed towards closure on account of severe financial crises brought on by non-payment of dues by BYPL and BRPL.
with thanks : The Hindu : LINK

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Peak-hour power metering likely

We strongly oppose the step of Time of Day metering / Peak hour metering by DERC. It will just increase the burden on the already crushed residents of Delhi. 
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Peak-hour power metering likely

NEW DELHI: The capital may soon introduceTime-of-Day (TOD) metering in which power consumers in the domestic sector will be charged according to the power usage during peak and non-peak hours. The new system is expected to discourage users from consuming more power during peak hours so that loadshedding is minimized in residential areas. Power distribution companies often have to procure additional power from the market at a very high cost to meet the demand during peak hours. Last year TOD was introduced for commercial consumers. 

RK Verma, power secretary, confirmed that he had communicated to Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) about implementing TOD for the domestic sector. "We have sent a directive to DERC to introduce TOD for the domestic sector. DERC has to look into the matter. This can help reduce power bills of consumers as well," he said. DERC officials, however, said they haven't received the missive and it is likely to reach them on Monday. 

Consumers are concerned about this move. "TOD is not advisable for the domestic sector under any condition. This system is basically going to fix when one can use the geyser or the air conditioner. There are many kinds of consumers like office-goers, businessmen and school children who will have to use electricity during certain hours. How can they change their schedule?" said Atul Goyal of United Residents' Joint Action (URJA). 

Commercial users pay a peak-hour surcharge of 15% in summer and 10% in winter. Sources said the peak-hour tariff for domestic users might increase to Rs 6.40 per unit during 6.30pm-10.30pm.

with thanks : Times of India : LINK